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Video indexing & AI search

Index and make all your videos accessible with Nuclia RAG-as-a-Service for videos.
Get out-of-the-box AI search and Generative Answers on top of your videos, and easily find the specific moments you're looking for within them.

Automatic video transcription

Nuclia converts spoken words within your videos into written text, allowing you to search for specific phrases or quotes spoken by your subjects.

Video OCR

Nuclia uses optical character recognition (OCR) to extract text from the images within your videos, making it easy to search for specific words or phrases that appear on screen.

RAG-as-a-Service for your videos

Nuclia makes your videos AI-Ready. It automatically delivers AI search and Generative Answers on top of your videos, and provides knowledge in the form of trusted answers, in any language.

Nuclia helps develop new business opportunities, build and deliver increased product and content value to users and customers..

Automatic named entity recognition and extraction from videos

Nuclia automatically detects and indexes key information from videos: names of people, names of organizations, dates — regardless of the language of the content.

You can also train Nuclia to detect your domain-specific NERs.

Transcription Languages

Nuclia has remarkable multilingual capabilities, effortlessly understanding and transcribing any language. This powerful tool facilitates easy access and searchability of information from diverse media sources, effectively breaking down language barriers for a global audience.

Talk to your videos and get Generative Answers

Nuclia allows you to search for specific moments within your videos using semantic search. Simply type in a question or description, in any language, of what you’re looking for, and Nuclia will do the rest. Get answers from your videos using LLMs.

Integrating Nuclia's AI Search Video Widget

Fuel your product, workflow, or workspace by embedding Nuclia AI video Search into it. Utilize Nuclia’s Understanding API or the no-code widget to provide users with the answers from your videos they need, when they need them.

Video AI summarisation

Nuclia automatically generates AI summaries from videos.

For deeper and more industry-centric summaries, with Nuclia you can customize the sections, length, and look of a summary.

Indexing YouTube, Vimeo and any other video

Nuclia not only allows you to index and search your own video content, but it also has the ability to index and search videos from YouTube and Vimeo.

Simply enter the URL of the YouTube video or channel you want to index, and Nuclia will do the rest. With Nuclia’s powerful AI and natural language processing capabilities, you’ll be able to quickly and easily find the specific moments you’re looking for within these popular video platforms.

Make your videos work with multiple LLMs

Nuclia integrates with ChatGPT 3.5, ChatGPT 4, Gemini, Anthropic, Mixtral, Gemma and Nuclia Everest, Nuclia’s own 100% private and secure LLM. Seamlessly change one LLM to another with just a click.

Experience Nuclia's Demo: Key events from COP26

We have indexed the key events videos COP26 talking about climate change. Would you like to know how several countries are fighting against climate change? Find the answers in Nuclia!

Examples: How Malawi is fighting against climate change
Mesures Scotland is taking to achieve zero emissions
Enumerate some measures countries should adopt to achieve zero emissions.

*Reports and market outlooks from top financial institutions world wide:
Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, Morgan Stanley , Bank of America, BlackRock , HSBC, Barclays, NatWest, Citi, UBS, Credit Suisse, BNP Paribas, Deutsche Bank, ING, Apollo Global Management, Inc., Wells Fargo, BNY Mellon, Fidelity International, Lazard, Vanguard. All reports are public.

Want to know more?

If you want to lear more and how we can help you to implement this, please use this form or join our community on Discord for technical support.

See you soon!